
Finally, A Late, Late Cheddar X Snack Attack
Yeah, yeah, on the road, busy with family, fiance and east coast activities. Anyway, here's my Cheddar X, It's Cheesier. Better late than never.

1. What are the top three things you like about your job? Top three dislikes?
- my commute is ten minutes, by bike, fifteen if I go down to the ocean and follow the river into town.
- no one in my office really knows what I do
- much of my job can be approached like an elaborate scavenger hunt kind of game and that makes it almost fun.
- I know exactly where I'm going to be five days a week from 8:30(ish) to 5
- Because no one really understands what I do its hard for others to help out
- There is very little room for advancement when you're already in the top position

2. What do you wish you could do on your weekends?
Wake up around noon, go for a mountain bike ride followed by a kayak cruise out on the bay followed by skydiving over Monterey followed by a BBQ on the beach with pals. Sunday would be a combination of beach volleyball and football or baseball along with another BBQ party at one of our friend's houses. Oh yeah, and lots of wild monkey sex.

3. What architectural style appeals to you the most and why?
I'm an omnivore when it comes to many things, architecture is one of them. I love the supremely intelligent design of Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings but also love modern buildings, adobes, underground houses and the gothic ornate style found in New York and Chicago. Maybe I should go with what I don't like, I hate tract housing, I hate boring thoughtless buildings that merely take up space instead of creating an environment.

4. If your house was on fire and your family and pets were safe but you could only grab three things, what would they be?
As Carlene pointed out, this question has been asked before and it would be interesting to see if my responses are the same this time around.
My Apple Powerbook, its far too integral to my life to consider letting sizzle in the flames.
My Phat Cruiser because its finally getting to where it rides perfectly again and I'd hate to have to start over. (and my two mountain bikes aren't stored in the house anymore so they'd be safe)
The pic that a good friend of mine took while working in Vietnam, he's since been killed in South America and its one of the true pieces or art that I own. Though I'd try to get the 125 year old map of Africa too because its just too cool to let burn.

5. What was the last premonition you had come true?
That I would return to work today to have a flood of coverage for the company and that it would take me most of the day to collect them all and add them to my hit sheets. So far, so good. And more coverage in excellent spots like BusinessWeek (fifth article this year!). The other one that's kind of a recurring premonition seems to be coming true, not enough postage on the wedding invitations and they aren't getting to where they need to go which is screwing up the whole wedding process. I'm scared to go the post office and check mail today.

6. What is love?
Love is knowing that, even when you're fighting, you still love her. Love is knowing that you have a partner in crime no matter the consequences. Love is waking up next to your lover and being comforted by her sleeping smile. Love is wanting to spend your life with someone because you want to share the good times and the bad. Love is working through problems instead of burying them and then just paving them over by moving on to the next lover. Love is moving towards each other in times of crisis rather than away. Love is that warm sensation you get when you think about your significant other.

Have fun with that? Then go and get your own Cheddar X, It's Cheesier! Or go and post your own questions for the group.