
Evil Usage of Media Powers Exemplified
MSNBC Fired Michael Savage for his wishing of AIDS upon a caller, um yeah, good riddance. What an idiot to think he could get away with pretending to be Bill O'Reilly.

Hmm, Maybe I Could and Should Use My Powers for Good
By discussing concept farms like SeaWater Farms that purport to aid the environment by the use of renewable resources and saltwater tolerant and loving plants.

Its a pretty impressive idea and I hope it works actually because we'll have to evolve our agriculture if the planet's going to continue to sustain the ever growing population and demands on resources.

The link comes by way of MetaFilter which has been a hit or miss deal lately. Half the time, my browser reports that no such site exists.

And it has also come to my attention that my blog's been lagging badly on some systems. My thinking is that this was due to a buried archive script in the page code that has since been removed. Please let me know if anyone is having continuing issues with page loads.

Cool New Blog Action News
I've been chosen as one of the hundreds and thousands of beta testers across the blogging world to try out Six Apart's new TypePad blogging system. Its a refined and much more easily implemented version of Movable Type. I can't really say much more than this aside from linking to the new blog, it'll mostly reflect posts from here but may also feature some unique content as well.

Check out the New Intellectual Poison and let me know what you think.