
Food and Shopping Among the Chronically Stinky
You know maybe I've got the next huge hit diet concept here or maybe I just live in a town where bathing's optional for most of the residents.

I was just out getting some lunch and doing a little shopping with the leftover time. I was in one of the cool little shops in downtown Santa Cruz that has all kinds of neat stuff you could buy and never find a use for.

Anyway, it was in one of these places where a couple of people happened to walk past me and I damn near puked because they smelled so overpoweringly strong. And it was nasty, at least a four or five day stink on this one big fat bugger with hairy shoulders and in a tank top so his odor could escape all the more easily.

How can these freaks NOT know they reek as badly as they do?
How can someone leave the house knowing they smell bad enough to make babies cry from forty feet?
How can they possibly rationalize smelling so offensive in public places?

If I owned a food shop downtown and one of these stinky bastards showed up, I would refuse him service and demand he get the hell out of my store. There's no reason anyone needs to reek as horribly as this man did.

Luckily, I'd already eaten or I would have had no appetite after catching a whiff of his nasty BO. I can't even begin to imagine how awful his house must smell if he smells that bad out in public. If stink were a disease then he died two weeks ago and no one told him yet. If stink were people then he'd be China. If stink were money then he'd be the richest man on earth. If stink were punishable by law then he'd never see daylight again.

Nasty bugger, I just feel bad for anyone that is related to him and can't run like hell when he approaches. And I can't even begin to imagine the hell his wife must go through being near him every day, if he was, in fact, married.