
The Double Commercial Retardo Marketing Technique

I used to think that this was more a sign that some engineer was sleeping on the job and passed out with his hand on the repeat button or something but its not. I'm pretty sure that some companies are resorting to the repetition method of marketing by playing the same commercial again.

The latest one I've seen is actually a pretty funny commercial, the first time. The second time is bugs me. And I will generally resolve to not purchase whatever product they feel they need to force feed into my cranium multiple times.
Its the Comcast commercial of two geeks at a soiree and they approach two technically hot but bitchy superiority complex women. One introduces himself and offers his hand but Ms. Thing rolls her eyes. The other geek can't keep his eyes off of the other's ample and very much on display boobage and says "You must be a model."
When geek #1 tries to work the angle and get the women to go out with them, bitch number one picks up the remote, flips through the directory and puts the TV on a Star Trek rerun because everyone knows that geeks can't pass up a Star Trek episode. Its like a bug zapper for geeks or something.
Anyway, the final scene is the two geeks, enthralled on the couch, the two women are nowhere to be seen.

Not a bad commercial and pretty clever, if more than a little insulting.

But then they replay it again, its not funny at all, its irritating and stupid.
Why would they do this? What possible good can come out of the over marketing of the same ad to people who had literally just seen it a moment before?
Could it be that the network had a quota of commercials they had to fill for that client and this was the only way they could definitely get them all in?

Or is it really a marketing tactic to beat your viewers into submission with the same thing again and again?

Makes no sense to me at all.

Blog Geek Side Note
I've adjusted the color on TypePad IntePoi so as to not effect a convulsive regurgatory upheaval as Jivha suggested the green color scheme might be able to elicit.

So far I'm really liking the interface and customizability of the new system. I will very much look forward to migrating over to it once all the bugs have been worked out though I've yet to run into a single issue with it.

Wedding Info Update
Can someone please explain to me what the crazy mad deal is with women and wedding dresses? P is truly going mad because she's not able to find the exact dress she wants. The one she did find was all beaded but otherwise perfect but she hates the beads so its out.
The search must continue until her prey has been sighted, seized and sized for her. My joy is boundless.

One good note is that we now have the reception site reserved and security deposited so its now ours for those 5 hours on the 4th. And I can cross off one thing on my list of millions of details to be dealt with.

Dubious Honor Work Site News
I will be, in two weeks when our current top sales person has left, the second most senior employee with my company. I'm not sure how to feel about it aside from the fact that I like my job and enjoy the work. But it is strange especially since I've been here for a little more than a year and three months now.