
Neighborhood News
Apparently the 4th of July is about a 96 hour day for some people because its still being celebrated by some dumbasses in my neighborhood. Last night at quarter past eleven some dipshit with his head up his ass thought it would be a good idea to shoot off a mortar, one of those big suckers that has a sonic boom and a spray of colors as it blooms a couple of hundred feet in the air.

This is fifteen minutes after 11 p.m. and they're doing this. Not that I'm asleep by then ever but I'm sure it woke up some of my neighbors. I know it scared the crap out of the animals in the 'hood. And I can only imagine what a joy that must have been for one of my neighbors who had just driven back up from a long weekend down south and was beat.

I just can't get over how inconsiderate and narrow minded some people are to their neighbors. I wish I knew who had done it so I could give them a little piece of my mind.

One More and then I'm Done for Now, Promise
Did anyone else watch Monster House last night on Discovery? It was on after American Chopper (which was another excellent show with lots of views of some of the finished bikes and they really need to make a better gallery on the website!) but Monster House was interesting.

They were turning a house into a wild west saloon type house. Kind of a neat project if a little nerdy but whatever. My favorite part was the "electrician" who was this hulking stud of a man who was absolutely as stupid as a doorknob. He spent three days trying to rewire one outlet. In the end, he quit the show because of gross incompetence. It was kind of funny really because he was your proto-typical high school football star turned gas pumper/fry guy or insert your McJob here.