
Lunch Hour Politics
We've got our senior analyst out visiting our offices for the first few days this week. And that's cool, its been really nice to get to know her in person as opposed to AIM or email or phone calls.
She and I went to lunch together yesterday and had a good time just chatting about stuff, not work related at all.
And today, it seemed like everyone got a wild hair to have a big old lunch out with our analyst.

My simple rule for whether I go out on these expeditions? Is Evil Person X going to be part of the group? Then I will respectfully decline, thanks.

And then I get the funny looks (even though I actually say this person's name to the inviter). But that's as far as I'm explaining anything anymore to anyone here. Maybe one other person will get a real sense of why I thoroughly dislike this person. But it doesn't matter, I'm going to insulate myself and sequester from any non-work related functions with this person. That IS my right, my free time is MINE and I really couldn't care less if I rub anyone wrong about it.

But what does bother me is that this walking uselessness of a person is, indirectly, affecting how I pass through the day by making my decision for me based on their decision. And that does bother me because this waste of space shouldn't have any sort of power over me whatsoever. So now I'm thinking about ways to get around it. But I don't want to politic up the office at all, I just want to come and get my shit done and go home. I don't want to keep a flipping scorecard to know whether I can go out to lunch or not.

I'm open to suggestions. But only to ones that don't advise me to bury the hatchet with the idiot in the office. I tried that and basically got spit in the face for it. I'm no longer willing to let bygones be bygones. Any attempt at resolving this must come from their camp as my camp's locked down and armed for battle.

And for now I'll just continue to wish awful things to happen to them. Childish? Yes but its entertaining nonetheless. I mean, have you ever really thought about all the ways someone could receive their karmic justice? I do it all the time. Like the wanker with the stun gun from yesterday, he deserves to die painfully, slowly and without any trace of pity, he's a true scumbag who abuses children, he should die. But how? And that's when it gets interesting.

So now I've got to get out and rustle up some lunch. Alone. And that's preferable to caving in and spending any moment of free time in this moron's company.

Anyone got any ideas of how to get beyond the problem of my lunch being dictated by someone I harbor nothing but intense dislike for? And yes, I am looking for another job as well. I'm always looking for another job.