
Fashion Moments in Hell
Maybe it was just me, maybe it had been some bad pizza with a few questionable anchovies on it that invoked my dreams of a parallel universe.

But I am pretty sure that the era of t-shirts that have been assaulted with a pair of scissors was far behind us.

Am I wrong, has that period of fashion inversion passed us all by?

Then could someone remind the middle aged Flashdance reject who just posted up in the parking lot in a Snoopy t-shirt with the sleeves all shredded up and looking, well, not to be overly hurtful even though I'm 99.9999% certain she doesn't read Intellectual Poison, but looking just incredibly unhip although the tight jeans weren't helping either. In fact, I kind of felt bad for her which is a definite sign of a serious fashion violation. Not quite as bad as wearing competing plaids or vertical stripes above horizontal stripes but it was so easily avoidable. Just pick another shirt, not the Snoopy shredded T, no, no anything but the Snoopy shredded T. Damn. What can I say though, she was driving a Nissan Pulsar that hadn't seen the back seat in at least two years with all the crap piled in there.

And one of my favorite things about my window above the parking lot is that I get to observe people when they don't think anyone's watching them. Like the guy who's gotta be in classes or something downstairs because he has his cigarette break at the same time and in the same place every day. There's the hairdresser with nice arms and terrible parking abilities, she has yet to get her Prelude into a single parking space and invariably makes someone go into contortions to get back to their car. I see the loads of crap that people carry around in their trunks, the cut t-shirt lady had to mash the trunk back down on all the cardboard boxes. I can, on occasion, be one of the first to see a new dent, ding, mangled fender or other "enhancement".

Quick Weekend Wrap
This was a pretty good weekend overall. Got to sleep in nicely on Saturday which certainly does help. Spent a good portion of yesterday on the beach pretending to be able to play volleyball. But I'd also gone out biking in the morning so I had a reasonable built in excuse. P was on the beach somewhere with one of her friends and her family visiting. I tried to find them but was unsuccessful. But we had a nice dinner out with them and their two little girls. And lots and lots of wedding talk, enough to drown a horse or maybe a pony. If this is the level of conversation two and a half months out then I can not even begin to imagine the intensity as we get to the final approach. But its still mildly fun and we get to shop and that's always good.
Tonight is a trip to CostCo for supplies. Ink cartridges, glassware and the linke. Oh boy!

And I am finding a renewed interest in getting back on my book track and starting that project up again. Its been languising for too long and needs to be revived. And this will be one of those times when I miss the folding keyboard of the Palm V, it made it really quite easy to write at high speed anywhere and the Clie just doesn't have it yet. But there might be a new model in my future so that'll get addressed soon as well. Only 40 minutes to go before the auction ends so keep your fingers crossed.