
Back to Normal?
It was strange this morning to turn off the alarm and begin the process of getting ready for work after being out for a week and a half. It wasn't helped by the massive horkage from waking up but that's alright. I knew the flu wouldn't be wholly gone but it sucks that its hanging on this long. I have the super high quality and fun to play with Dragon breath thing going on right now, when you breath and the goo rattles around making a sound like a dragon or Darth Vader, loads of fun.

In any case, it was a pleasure to pedal my bike from home today as I've not been well enough to ride in a while and before that I was far too busy to get any saddle time in. My new mandate is to get my body back into shape, the flu, the wedding, the honeymoon and all the rich and fatty foods and drinking have gone to make me feel like a cannonball with legs.

Today is also the first day in many years that I'm working with Paul which is really quite cool. Especially since we've come so very far from the bartending days up at the golf course. It will be a very fruitful and fun working environment. But before then I've got a whole crapload of emails to catch up on, a couple of email apologies to write and coverage to track and add to my spreadsheets.

And this week is all about mail order goodness. The spending of our wedding cash on those items we registered for but did not get at the wedding. It'll be really nice to keep getting boxes all week filled with more wedding fun goodies. I'm most looking forward to my new razor, the tip-top Braun Syncro auto cleaner dealie electric that means no more scratches from my beat up old Braun. And the stainless steel jigger, that'll be good fun to have around.

My next task is to figure out what to get and where to get it from for P's pending birthday. I've got a few ideas but its a question of figuring out which will be the best of the bunch.

Home Stereo Holy Grails
Finally figuring out the proper equation to having all parts of the stereo working the way I want them to. Playstation wired through surround sound, as well as TV and VCR and now I can easily plug the iPod in. Sure, it sounds simple but the limited space, limited inputs, limited cables and everything else conspired to make this a heckuva lot more difficult than I'd first envisioned.

And now, two links with nothing in common.
If you're like me, i.e. hate paying retail for anything, then go and check out DailyeDeals.com for links to easy ways to save cash on things you were going to buy anyway. They've got online coupons for Amazon, Buy.com, Dell and a whole lot more. Well worth a few minutes to save good money.

The second link is from Intellectual Properties and is the Nanowrimo, or National Novel Writing Month site. One month to write a 50,000 word (175 page) novel from start to finish. I'm tempted to give it a run and see what comes out the other end. I've got a few ideas that I want to explore and writing that much in a short time is a good way to get there. We'll see what the month looks like before I commit to it. But why not?

And on that note, I'm going to get back to cranking on work, I think Word will have finally finished opening the doc I need. One thing I did NOT miss was my nearly comatose inducingly slow work PC.