
A Moment's Lunacy in a Day of Bustle
I had to run over to the drug store a little while ago to pick up some tissues, meds and throat soreness candy. I had the opportunity to overhear a truly deranged woman rant to two cops about capping some ho bitch who'd done her wrong. This woman, a little haggard and on crutches but otherwise mostly normal looking, was shouting in one of the aisles to two policemen who were taking notes and attempting to cool her down.

I didn't catch what had set her off but its never a good idea to tell the police that you're planning on killing someone, no matter how serious your intent.

Last I saw, she was outside the store with one of the cops who was writing up her ticket for something or other. You'd think that making loud and persistent death threats would land you in the pokey and not just a ticket. But hey, whatever. Just thought it was a damned strange interlude to an otherwise normal day.