
Helmet Laws and Life in Maine
First a quick spin off into wondering by what logical process people are finding a way to justify the repeal of helmet laws for motorcyclists?
This seems to me to be about as intelligent as changing the laws on seatbelt usage because it infringes on people's right to be launched through their windshield when they hit another car. The whole freedom of choice argument for being able to ride a motorcycle without a helmet is utter and complete nonsense.
Helmets save lives, helmets save money and helmets also keep bugs out of your teeth.
Its just plain stupid to get on a motorcycle without a helmet on. Its dumber than the squid bikers who think a tshirt, shorts and flipflops are enough protection when riding a GSXR1100 racing motorcycle on the street. One mistake and you're a long red streak of pain and skin and blood on the street.

I know there are bikers out there who think I'm crazy but I've been down twice over my years of riding and in both cases, my helmet saved my life. I started riding in Arizona where there were no laws for helmets and I never wore one. If I'd gone down there I would have almost certainly died or suffered massive head wounds.

Motorcycles should equal helmets. Anything else puts a monetary burden on the rest of the people for caring for your vegetative body after you wipe out on your sport bike and spread your brains all over the road like so much cream cheese on an onion bagel.

Now, onto life in Maine. Its gorgeous here, the summer and early fall weather is fabulous, the water that the house we're staying in is beautiful and its peaceful. But I know there is the icy spectre of winter lurking around the corner and that's when I have to draw the line. I can hack winter, its not that I'm a wimp who can't deal, I just choose not to. Why suffer for half the year (or so it seems) with winter's irritations when you can live in a more temperate climate and get to the snow when you want to?

But I do like it here and am jealous of the housing prices, the pace of life and the lack of heavy traffic issues. I like it but not enough to move back here. I miss New England for many reasons but winter isn't even close to being one of them. I miss my family, miss spending days being an uncle, miss the beauty of the countryside and everything else this side of the country has to offer. But I also miss my beach, its Sunday and I should be heading down to play volleyball soon. But not today.

I will probably not be able to get pics up online until Monday afternoon at the earliest because of access issues but I will continue to snap pics and add them to the growing collection.

And yes, I've truly loved spending time with P and seeing how she's integrating herself into the family and having a ball doing it. I knew she would fit in fabulously and reality is, for once, bearing out the vision I had in my head.

Got to go, the little boys are screeching and its time to go a-walking.

Stop the Presses, Its Over!
J-Lo Realizes that a Cheesy Accent and Gold Chain Do Not A Husband Make. Ben Assflap and J.Lo are taking some time off which is almost certainly going to grow into a permanent See-Ya! Not that I really care about either of them but its nice to see that somethings in Hollywood never do change and the celebrity couple is prone to the same things that all other couples are prone to. Namely, one or the other screws up badly enough to send the other one packing. And that, my friends, is a teaser for an insider story I got the other night at Mr. Assflap's night out in his home town a few weeks or months ago. More to come.

Happy Sunday and let's go RAIDERS!