
Quick Post from NYC
Well it was a travel heavy day yesterday. Flew from San Jose to the Twin Cities and then on to New York last night. I do have to say that I got a little chill as we flew past the twin beams of the World Trade Center Memorial lights. I hope some of the pics I popped off as we cruised by will come out.
Both flights yesterday were totally and utterly packed so I'm guessing that people have gotten over their worries about the 9/11 travel fear. And really, it had to be among the safest days of the whole year to fly.

Some sad news, I saw that Johnny Cash passed away yesterday. That is a bummer as he was one of the very few country singers I really did like. I will make a point of listening to Ring of Fire a few times today in his memory. Also, I saw that John Ritter died which I guess is sad just in the fact that he died. I can't say I'll miss his humor because I never did find him very funny but its still sad to hear of someone dying so suddenly.

On a more positive note, I got to spend some time with my nephew this morning. He's grown an awful lot but is the same very sweet and very engaging little boy he was the last time I saw him. He gave me a kiss on the top of my head as I was helping him get dressed for school this morning. And he even posed for a couple of pictures (he's had so many pics taken by his mom that he used to look bored for the camera).

I will try to get pictures into the computer tonight and will try to post them tomorrow. I may also try to get the video I shot as we took off out of Minneapolis. Kind of cool stuff.

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. Yesterday wouldn't have been my first choice of how to spend it but it went well and there were no body cavity searches at any security checkpoints so that was nice. In fact, the person checker in Minneapolis didn't even look at my license to make sure I was who I said I was. Scary to think that even on the anniversary of the worst terrorist attack people are still complacent. But oh well. All's well that ended well.

Last night, P and I took a little walk through part of the city since it was still early for us. We hit Gray's Papaya for some hot dogs and juice, wandered around. Marvelled at how nice it was, were amazed at how bright the memorial lights are even from ground level.

All in all, not a bad day.

And we're off to Maine later on today for more fun with the family.