
A Nation Mourns and A Very Muted Birthday Begins
I marked the first few minutes of my birthday last night by snapping some pics of the full moon over my house.
And woke up at about the same time as two years ago when the attacks on the World Trade Centers was happening. A day I looked forward to was forever transformed into a day of national mourning and of rage at the cowards who would attack us in this manner.

This will be a busy but good day. I wish we were getting into New York earlier in the day so that we could take part in some of the activities there. It would be meaningful to take part in it all and might go a ways to helping give me a sense of closure. Not that I've been overly struggling with the day, the event and the fallout from it. But maybe it's more appropriate to say that it would connect me closer to the whole thing. More so than I already am.

Anyway, today's photo blogging is underway and should promise to be a curious and fun project. I will, for the rest of the day, try to snap at least a pic an hour. The most interesting thing will be the movement towards the epicenter of the whole tragedy.

The best part is that I will be back among my family again and that's never a bad thing. I can't wait to see my nephews and see how much they've grown and learned.

Everyone, don't forget to tell your loved ones that you do love them because you never know what the day may bring.

And to quote Layne, "Take very good care of you."