
Al Gore Assaults the Media's Teat Sucking of GWB
An excellent article at the Nation discusses Al Gore's (who used to be the most boring politician in history) coming out speech against mass media's glossing over of the current regime's less than strict adherence to the truth.
A Most Un-Gore Article on The Nation talks about how Bush has systematically created an air of believe-us-or-else with the mass media. And they have most definitely fallen in line and kow-towed to his smirkiness like the bleating little sheep they are.

How often have you seen an article refuting some of the outright lies that this current government has been feeding America ever since taking office?
When was the last time you heard Shrub retract a statement?

And I love it when he, in an interview or press conference, says he has absolutely no regrets or second guessing of his actions. Why? Because that would open a chink in the armor of this, the most dangerous and rampantly corrupt government in history. A back patting conspiracy of rich, fat jackasses milking millions and billions of dollars from the country and lying about it out the other side of their mouths.

And then there's the flood of news, the war in Iraq, the smokescreens that they've tossed up to keep people to busy worrying about terrorism to do anything about the fact that these assholes are bleeding this country dry. I write these words knowing that there's a good likelihood that some governmental stooge is reading them and creeping the meter ever hire until its time to pay me a visit and let me know what good little patriotic citizens do (take your pills and SHUT THE FUCK UP and let us do as we please, oh that buzz in your backside, that's the new bug we put in your ass to let us know when you're not toeing the line like a good little human shaped sheep).

Its getting to the point where I'm ashamed to be an American, ashamed that people can't see this government for the criminality they inflict upon the world. Sickened by the lies, diversions and public screw ups that still don't make front page news. Its not bad enough that they're crooks but that they are incompetent crooks who are STILL getting away with it. How? Well it does help to have the mightiest armed forces in the history of the world to back up your activities.

And it won't change anytime soon because people just don't give a damn anymore. They figure all politicians are evil lying ass fucks who'll shake your hand with one hand and stab you in the back with the other. They're used car salesmen in better suits and worse toupees. They are the parasitical bastards who are stealing your money and mine.

A few places to get more info that might be less tainted than the bastards who run our national press, Take Back the Media, BBC and The Economist.