
Further Proof The US/UN is Doing More Harm Than Good
Huge Blast at UN HQ in Baghdad wherein a cement mixer loaded with explosives charged the building at 50 miles per hour and created an explosion powerful enough to shatter windows over a mile away.

Think about that for a moment, a mile away. More than 5000 feet away the shock wave was strong enough to break windows. That's a damned strong bomb.

I just heard that there is a massive military presence around the rubble that was the building which is good because I was thinking that there would be no better way to demoralize the "Peacekeepers" than to blow up the rescue workers. So I'm glad that they're doing their best to prevent that from happening.

But shouldn't this send a strong message that, a. Saddam's either alive and directing this or he left directives to be carried out after his death. b. how much longer is this going to be allowed to continue before the US/UN starts eradicating terrorist sects and cells like the vermin they are? And that's a big deal because we're not really supposed to be there still fighting a war, this was supposed to be a mop up mission now, a time to help a new regime establish itself as the government.

The sole upside to all these killings is that they will go a very long way to helping seal GWB's removal from power. Each son of America that dies in Iraq will result in the further erosion of his powerbase, another family ruined by his illegal oil war. And another and another.

It's terribly sad though.

In Gross Noise Violation News
Well now, there's a few incredibly noisy things that have been happening this morning.

The recycling truck came by at about 6, complete and replete with those really wheezy pneumatic brakes that sound like God's farts. That was nice. Combine that with the happy slappy sound of barrel after barrel of glass being poured into a container of broken glass, a joyous cacophony of noise.

And then, at a little after 7 this morning, the construction crew across the street needed to the have the flatbed (a big one, full 18 wheeler, cab and sleeper over and another enormous diesel engine, oh boy!) turn around. So the asshole behind the wheel idles for a good ten minutes before using our intersection to turn the fucker around. It was so loud that it completely drowned out the morning news.

In other noise violation news, I'm having dreams about blowing trucks up and shooting people. I don't really take that as a good sign.

Luckily, P is right with me on getting the fuck out of this goddamned neighborhood. I know nothing can be done until after the wedding but then we will almost certainly blow this pop stand with all due haste. Until then, I'll be exploring ear plugs today in the hopes that I can finally get a decent night's sleep in my bed and not at my desk at work.