
A Positive Side Effect of Impotent Fury
There has been one good thing about being awoken before I need or want to every morning. Well, two things but they count as one, I think.

I've been getting my morning workouts in alot more regularly because there's no point in laying in bed awake and pissed off by the incessant BEEP BEEP BEEP of a semi backing up twenty feet away from my bed or the thrumbling rumble of the diesel engine as he awaits the go ahead to rev the engine some more.

And the other side of that coin is that, and some people may refute this but let me assure you that it is true, anger is strength. I'm much stronger when I'm pissed off. By about 20-30% I'd guess, depending on the exercise and the muscle groups involved. Which means that I'm venting my irritation in a fairly healthy way, I think. And getting pumped up like I like to start the day. Its a good feeling, feeling a normally loose fitting shirt a little tight across the shoulders and chest because my muscles are so full.

So maybe its not a complete waste of energy if it gets me cut and buff again. But I still want to stop dreaming about killing people. I'd like to get back to those fun, freaky sex dreams I used to have.