
Blast Away Blaster or Whatever the Hell Your Name Is
There are, apparently, a large number of systems that are replicating and spreading some new tasty morsel of internet mischief. It hit Primal Purge and caused some unhappiness over there. Checked Network Associates and the name of this particular little bugger is SoBig and they have it pretty well explained. More news on the nasty SoBig worm here. Scooped Rueters by a good five hours!

And I've gotten it no less than eight times this morning at work. But I'm clean thus far. And I'm still going to run my virus protection just to make sure because of the vast PR secrets stored in this little box. [Update: Since I started my virus checker a half hour ago, I've gotten the same virus 4 more times. This is far and away the most assault happy virus I've had to deal with. Bummer for those who are getting smacked down by it.]

But come on now people. Protect your email address book. Quit opening email from people who wouldn't send you email and don't download anything with attachments from anyone you weren't expecting it from. Jeez! You'd think the world just got online for the first time with all the stupid viruses propogating themselves on all these systems.

Which is actually kind of funny in a geeky sort of way. These viruses are getting on computer systems and having asexual sex to replicate themselves and going forth to try it again and again. So, you idiots who keep allowing this to happen are letting viruses have sex on your systems. Nice!