
Too Cool
From Stiletto Philosophy comes quite possibly the coolest mug in existence. Check out the Plasma Mug that takes the whole plasma thing to a much cooler level. Not only can you have a touch sensitive light show on your desk but it also keeps your drinks from spilling everywhere too!

And the Other Side of the List Begins
It had to happen. There's too much out there in the world that bugs the crap out of me. So here is the start of the list of Things That Enrage My Savage Soul. With less explanation to maintain the sense of mystery, eh?

1. Religious justification for steamrolling a person or peoples.
2. Anytime anyone ever says, I'm on a Mission from God. Ummm, no, you're on a Mission FOR God. God's not talking, remember?
3. Rain delays for baseball games.
4. Mayonaise.
5. Ignorant people who are too stupid to accept that the fact they are don't know what they're talking about.
6. Fat women in revealing clothing.
7. Getting busted in GTA: Vice City just after getting to six stars and just after getting into the tank to cause some real mayhem.
8. Being told to be quiet or quiet down.
9. Having to ask someone for something more than twice.
10. Stubbing my toe on a cold day.
11. Realizing that I'm going to be in debt for another ten years at least.
12. Being mistaken for an idiot and being talked down to by anyone.
13. Remembering that I'm still at least six months away from getting a dog minimum.
14. My old Apple Airport base station and its retardism software.
15. The triple flashing red lights on the above Airport.
16. Car alarms on crappy cars or nice cars for that matter.
17. Celebs with their heads firmly planted between their own ass cheeks. Example #1 and #2.
18. The fact that talentless professional 'noids like Carrotop and Gilbert Gottfried are rich when all they do is piss people off.
19. My own ego.
20. Callous idiots driving multi-ton vehicles recklessly.
21. Bait and switch websites that get you interested, pretend to be offering a free service and then they hit you with a sign up now deal to see the results of the search you'd just entered.
22. Idiot sites like KBB.com that have draconian deals set up with DoubleClick to provide ads that a) don't load and b) that make each page load or refresh be a two minute affair until their stupid ad URL times out.