
Scary Drug That Makes Ruffies Look Like Candy
This is a news story that's scary because it could very easily find its way to the US and a whole cadre of freaks would be able to almost openly prey on people.
Drug Turns Colombia Crime Victims Into Zombies

This drug is far worse than ruffies or Rohypnol because, unlike the ruffies blocking memories, Scopolamine does not record any memories. Its victims are turned into zombies. This is the same drug used to bury wives of chieftains alive so that they'd be more docile. Its scary how powerful this drug can be and how dangerous it could be in the wrong hands.
The article tells tales of people drugging people, abducting them and gang raping them over the course of days. But when they victims are released, they literally cannot remember anything that's happened to them. No faces, no names, no nothing.

Bad mojo indeed.