
Pics of the Newest Member of the Clan and News of a New (non-human) Addition
First off, let's hear some excitement for my new nephew, Nicolas. Here posed with his mom, my sister. And then again with his mom and his older brother Andrew. And Andrew looks absolutely adorable and sweet. Which he is, most of the time....
Su and Nicolas Su, Andrew and Nicolas, too sweet!

And the other news is that P and I have made our first decent sized purchase together. Last night replaced her aging and beat up Beretta with a shiny and almost new Jetta! Its a dark green and tan interior that looks great, rides great and will see us through for several years.
And P is just upset because the insurance stuff didn't come through yet so I'm the only one allowed to drive it yet.

Certainly not as big as the new baby but pretty cool for us and it'll alleviate so much of P's stress about her car dying on her or the wheel flying off at speed in traffic. I might post a pic sometime but come on now, who hasn't seen a green Jetta before?