
The Holy Freak Combo: Friday the 13th and a Full Moon
Well yeah, I don't think it was completely full but it was close enough for the freaks and tweaks in Santa Cruz to roll out and see what sort of mayhem could be gotten into.

I don't know whether its a case of being more sensitized to disruptions or whether they just happen more often on days like last Friday. But it was a day that was marked by repeated bungles, near misses, unexplained data losses and other wierdness that just happened to fall on the double whammy Full Moon Friday the 13th.

There's something about these "momentous" days that makes me notice more, look around at the world and see what's what. Maybe its a part of being in this town, this liberal place where someone can and will honestly tell you that they are a practicing Wiccan. Where homeless wanks litter the street like human debris only paying you enough attention to ask for money. Where, on nights like last Friday, there will be performed, all kinds of crazy ceremonies in the redwoods, on the beaches and everywhere in between.

I've heard stories of mass beach rituals where dozens of Wiccan practictioners strip down to bare essentials and dance the dance of the pagan worshippers. Or have a massive orgy and skinny dip or paint each other with swirls and stars and moons or whatever.

Anyway, this past Friday was disturbing to me for a few reasons.
The loss of the iPod for the whole day not only sucked then, its still sucking now as I reload the entire library into the thing and reorganize it. Apple really should get their developers busting ass to build in a restore function into iTunes, it wouldn't be that hard to make a disk image or something that could be used to refill the drive if and when it needs a clean and reboot.

Second hassle of the Full Moon Friday 13, I rode in my Mojo with road slicks for extra speed. The ride in was cool and fun but the front tire lost all its air during the day and I had to get a pick up from P to get home or walk it up the hill. A drag but nothing major.

The third and by far the worst event of the day was the near T-Boning of our car as we went to the supermarket by some overwrought bitch in an enormous truck who had the sheer audacity to laugh about it. She nearly rammed her car into the driver's side of P's car and, when the both of us threw our hands up, she laughed and flipped us off. I don't about any of you but the utter fuck-you of her attitude not only enraged me but it also makes me sad to think of how pathetically isolated our lives can be when you don't care that you nearly caused catastrophic damage and maybe death to two other humans.

The bitch needed to be slapped in the face a few times, very, very hard. And then never allowed behind the wheel again. My blood pressure's just sky rocketed again in thinking about it and her. I know what she looks like though and if I ever do have the chance to repay her "kindness" then I most definitely will. Shame I'm not working in a bar anymore, she'd get a slippery bladder special. Or, if I knew where her house was, I'd thermite her truck, burn a hole straight through the engine block and into the ground. But that would be wrong and an inappropriate use of the Anarchist Cookbook. Damned ethics!

Anyone else have any special funkiness befall them on Friday?
I still think I got off somewhat easy for a double witching day but it was still a day that I would have happily spent in bed under the covers where no monsters or bad stuff can get me.