
Errata from the Day
Don't know when else I'll be able to post this so why not here and now?
Random notes on the day.

- I didn't know it was possible to get a sunburn on your shins and actually have the skin peel. But it is not only possible, it takes a damned long time to get all that skin off.
- The world's a brighter place when you look through yellow lensed sun glasses. Just got a new pair of riding glasses in the mail today and I love them. I can't wait to see how they work up in the trees where the light is screwy.
- Why do places like Target and Kmart sell computer equipment? They may be able to compete on the computers themselves but they are so far over priced for accessories that its almost stupid. For example, a 64 meg compact flash card that's almost disposable online cost $55 at Target, compare that to the $45 I paid for my brand spanking new 256 MB compact flash card.
- Blogger has taken to adding code to my templates everytime I do anything with them in Netscape. Anytime there's an ampersand (&), Blogger sees fit to add "amp;" to it. And it seems to happen everytime I publish or view the template (not sure which yet).

Added a link to a new page that's just getting started, Best Posts. I've got OverThought and the recent Beggars in Santa Cruz rants up so far with more to go as time permits.