Pending Changes for Intellectual Poison
I will, over the next few days, be starting to migrate the site over to the new domain ( and the new hosted space I bought the other day. It should, if all goes well, speed up the site considerably as all the graphics should be hosted on the same server instead of spread all over the net. I may also experiment with Movable Type and a couple of the other, more advanced web log engines as I've now got access to a whole bunch of new technology that PacBell just didn't offer. Plus I've got a whole bunch more storage space and that'll help alot too!
Quote for the Day
Today's words of wisdom come from Samuel Butler, (1835-1902) British writer, and is as true now as it was more than a century ago when he wrote it. Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself. This quote has also been added to the Quotes page as well. More updates as I get settled into the new house and have time to devote.
Some New Words for Tuesday
As does happen on occasion, I got an email from a reader with a new word to suggest for the Intellectual Poison Private Dictionary page.
Chester Parker wrote me with his word, homosensual - someone who behaves in a manner similar to the character "Orsino" in Twelfth Night by Shakespeare. I find it useful to use this word when trying to deconstruct traditional gender categories and often announce to those assembled in chat-rooms that "I am a homosensual".
And the other two are my own creations. Spame - (pronounced like shame with a p instead of an h) the soul tearing guilt spammers feel knowing that they are the true bottom feeders and scum on the internet.
And Evilitry - the act of continued and unrepentant evil doing, i.e. Microsoft's long history of stomping out competitors or buying them so they can mothball better products that would eat into their market share.
I'm always open to new words and love hearing from readers so let me know if you've got a word or two percolating in your dome that you must share with the world. Or with my little audience of x-ray panty skirt seeking surf tourists.
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