
Because I Love All of You
And because I hate the cluttering of the internet with marketing messages that no one reads or wants. Its for these reasons that I recently turned down a request to use this blog space to advertise.

They wanted to set the site up for five pop ups (that's one, two, three, four, five extra clicks to close these stupid windows) for which I'd get something like $5 per thousand views. Which means I'd be pissing an awful lot of people off, killing off any return traffic and for a measly little five spot. Not that I'd entertain any use of pop ups, they suck, they're a useless marketing means and all they do is suck bandwidth.

That and I use a pop up blocker because I hate them. They waste my time and drive my blood pressure up.

So yeah, I turned them down and will keep Intellectual Poison as ad free as I can for as long as I can. Unless I'm pimping my own goods like my Republic of Seabright Cafe Press shop that's in dire need of an update and logo redesign. But hey, summer's a long way away and I've got plenty of time to get the run of shirts going. Besides, it was super easy to set up and run so why not make some shirts?

But nope, no pop ups for me.

And, by the way, Carlene, if I forget to turn my pop up stopper on before hitting your site, that pop up still comes up every time. Just thought you'd like to know.