
A Tragedy Perverted
I just saw a short interview with the brother of the teenage girl who was shot to death the other night while attempting to answer her door. From all accounts, the attack was most likely directed at her brother, who's a thug apparently.
This brain scientist of a moron (and yes, he did just lose his little sister so I'm cutting him some slack) had the gall to say he was still worried about attacks. Gee why? Because he's a mean bastard who pissed off the wrong people and they don't care that his sister (who was apparently a decent person and certainly didn't deserve to die) was just shot to death.

Hey idiot, why not take a look inside and realize that it was your actions, your street 'tude and your stupidity that got your sister killed. Take responsibility for being a gang banger loser who thinks turf and souped up Hondas are the answer to all that life troubles you with.

Its not all that surprising really, that the teen 'banger can't put the two premises together to form the logical conclusion that his lifestyle is largely responsible for the death of his sister. Why? A combination of compartmentalization, cognitive dissonance and practiced ignorance. Owning up to his part in her death would mean that he was wasting his life, that he was part of the problem and not the solution. That he was a part of the great social cancer that is gang banging. The waste of youth in pursuit of a 9 second quarter mile time on some straight stretch of road to win accolades from other like minded wastrels.

By the way, they appear to have caught the cowards who did the shooting. I can't find the story online yet but I saw it on the news when they were interviewing her brother and other family members.

I think the phrase of the day should be "Personal Accountability" and yep, that also applies to Layne's home issues as well as my life (and there's a post pending about my latest steps to take responsibility for my mismanaged finances).

Words That Should Be Used Alot More Often
I was thinking about this before falling asleep last night (the first night in almost a week without NyQuil!), there are words that need to be used more often.
Like asshat, as in Rush Limbaugh's such a freaking asshat for thinking he can turn rage to sympathy by admitting he's a pill-popping, hate spewing, racist mouthpiece for the in-bred "moral majority".

Or fucknuts, as in, those fucknuts think they can just overturn a democratically elected governor and replace him with an asshat jackhole gropa-holic like Ahhhnuld?

I'm sure there are more and they'll come to me as the day goes on. I'll just continue to update and add them on. Got one to add? Leave a comment and use it in a sentence.