
Kobe's Defense Plan
Just saw this article about Kobe's accuser not having his semen and pubic hair in her underwear the next day when she went to the doctor. [Update: Some more of Kobe's smear campaign. And a quote, "Of the accuser, Mackey (Kobe's lead attorney) told the judge, 'She is not worthy of your belief.'". Let me reiterate, Kobe Bryant is a filthy rapist scumbag and he's attempting to discredit the girl's claims by attacking her person. What a disgusting piece of work he is.] [Second Update: Some return fire from the prosecution, Prosecutors: Evidence Strong Against Kobe Bryant.]

Um, what kind of a freaking nutjob wouldn't change her underwear and shower before going to the doctor after being raped? Why they found any semen and pubes is beyond me. Yes, she should have gone straight to the cops and the doctors but she was almost certainly in a state of shock. Cut her some slack.

But allow me to lay out Kobe's apparent defense of the rape charges against him.
Discredit, defile and out and out embarass the accuser. Make her seem like the scumbag. Redirect the spotlight on the girl. Spread lies about her proclivities. Try to make people forget that Kobe's an adulterer and apparently a violent one at that. Put the accusser on the defensive. Make her out to be the gold digger. Make her out to be without any morals at all.

And all the while, sit there and pretend to be a fine upstanding citizen who didn't fuck a 19 year old girl. Who didn't cheat on his wife. Who didn't engage in very aggressive and violent sex (enough to cause vaginal tearing? nice work, asshat!). Who didn't pay off his wife with a $4 million dollar diamond. Who has been behaving as if he's guilty from the get go.

Nice work, Kobe. I hope you have a really nice jail cell. I've absolutely no respect for you and I hope they put you away from the maximum sentence, you filthy and disgusting piece of shit.

A quote from an IM chat with my Red Sox lovin' cousin, "Yeah, I definitely think basketball has the highest ass to player ratio."