
Just How Far Out of Touch is the NRA?
So far that just posting this post will likely land me on their list of NRA enemies. Check out the NRA Hate List to see who's had the sheer audacity to speak out in favor of gun control and the assault weapon ban.

Now, I'm someone who likes shooting my guns. I like target practice, I like speed drills and I used to shoot skeet when I was back in New England. Not often but often enough to be decent at it.

But I would never join a group like the NRA because they polarize people. You are either a gun nut or a gun control freak, there is no middle ground and I think that's both short sighted and rather stupid. That and having Charleton Heston as your spokesperson is just kind of sad, he's an old man who's pretty lost touch with reality, go and see Bowling for Columbine to get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

The NRA also has Wayne LaPierre as their president, or did (note, I've since learned that the guy in charge is now Kayne Robinson). I've seen this guy speak a couple of times and he's really doing the gun lobby no favors by opening his mouth in public. He's not smart enough or quick witted enough to lead the gun lobby to the promised land of no limit hunting, totally legal concealed carry and the right to put a 58 shot magazine in your handgun (for sporting purposes, of course, and not so you can wipe out an entire neighborhood before having to reload, heavens no!).

Do I think their goals are worthwhile? Yes, to a point. The rabid adherence to the Second Amendment and the unwillingness to accept that we lead the universe in gun deaths is just head-in-the-sand stupidity. The NRA needs new leadership to bring it into the 21st century, leadership that will come back from the foamy faced nutters who've gone ahead with gun rallies just after extreme gun violence in Columbine and other places. It just shows how ruthlessly insensitive and out of touch the whole organization truly is.

Thanks to Mark Morford and his Fabulous Morning Fix for the hook up.