
Character Traits to Aspire To
These were sent to me by my step-mom the day after the anniversary of my father's death this past weekend. They are traits of my father's that she wanted to share with the family and I would like to share them with my readers.

They are not only indications of the kind of man that my father was but they are also excellent character traits to aspire to and I will be making an effort to live up to his legacy.

� If you don't like something (situation/policy/etc), don't complain; do something positive to change it.
� Compartmentalize if needed to get through a tough time.
� Always remembered to ask the basic question, "What is it we are trying to accomplish?"
� Respect and try to understand different perspectives.
� Find a way for everyone to save face.
� Gather as much information as possible before making a decision, and base decisions on facts or the best information available.
� Laugh and encourage others to laugh with you. It's okay-even desirable-to play and be a little silly as an adult.
� Gain the respect of people you admire.
� Make a contribution to the world/community/neighborhood using the skills you have.

In Other News
I'm going to try and avoid all blogs for the rest of today. Actually, I want to try and avoid all extra curricular computer usage for the day, because I need to to stay focused on work but also because I've not tried it in a long time and I think its important to break the cycle from time to time.

See you all on Friday.