
Happy Halloween and A Wee Bite of the Cheddar X
Halloween Flasher
Thanks to P for sending the pic on!

And now for some Cheddar X, It's Cheesier.

1. What's the worst candy you've ever gotten on Halloween?
Whatever those nasty chalky, chocolate-esque things were when I was a little kid. They had virtually no flavor, gave you instant cotton mouth and tainted the taste of other candy.

And the people who give away five pennies taped together? Don't they know they're just begging for some tricks?
[Update: I was just reminded of Wax Lips by today's Excite Poll (by the way candy bars/chocolate has a HUGE lead at 47% of the total vote so let that guide your candy purchasing) and yep, they are nasty.]

2. What is your best comfort food?
Lately I've been on a fluffernutter kick but with two extra twists. Fluffernutter, for anyone who hasn't had the magnificent pleasure, is a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich. My two extras are to sprinkle some Giardelli's powdered chocolate between the two layers and to use honey graham crackers to contain it. Super tasty!

3. When was the last time you tried a new vegetable or fruit and what was it?
We picked up some pineapple guavas down in San Luis Obispo a couple of weeks ago that were really pretty good though P liked them quite a bit more than I did.

4. Is there a dish your mom or dad made for you growing up that you hated and can't even stand to think of now?
Oh yeah, this one's easy. Split pea soup or as I called it, split pea poop. My mother used to make it thick and heavy and nasty and I couldn't stand it. To this day I can't think about it without wanting to retch.

5. What's your favorite snacking food?
Depends, if we've just done a Trader Joe's run then it'll likely be whole wheat pitas (or spicy black bean chips) and spicy hummus. If not then I'm a chips and salsa fiend and I've got a serious jones for Safeway's deli select salsas.

One Halloween question, what are you dressing up as for Halloween?
I will be dressed up as James Bond this year. I still need a couple of quick props to complete the outfit but it'll be pretty easy and fun. A plastic Walther PPK and a perpetually filled martini glass should do the trick.

Yeeha! Now its off to the candy and goblins! Best part about tonight? I'll have Modoc, Paul and Kim's weimerauner at the house and he'll be dressed up as Superman. Yes, I will snap some pics of him because he looks truly adorable in it.

Now go and get your own Cheddar X, It's Cheesier or, if you prefer a more stately Elegant X'ed Cheddar