
Memo to Santa Cruz Businesses
Subject: How to Lose My Business

Some people have long held that there's a shortage of decent service in Santa Cruz and I prefer to think about it the other way. There's an overabundance of shitty service from snotty assholes who don't have the time to deal with interuptions to their 8 hour gossip time with their friends.

So I am going to detail the easiest way for a business in my town to lose me as a potential customer.

1. Act like my desire to purchase something from your place of business is putting you out. Pretend like my money isn't required to keep your doors open.
2. Ignore me.
3. Take forever to take an order, take forever to deliver it and take forever to fix when I have the audacity to tell you that its wrong.
4. Demean me.
5. Show favoritism for your pals when they come in by passing up people who've been waiting to jump right to them.
6. Exagerrate your actions, drag your feet, make a show of how hard it is to deal with everything.
7. Tack on an auto gratuity and then "forget" to mention it to the table to attempt to elicit a double tip.
8. Don't restock anything, ever.
9. Sit me at a table covered in stickiness or other debris from the previous occupant, don't bother to clean it up or, better yet, wipe it up with a towel easily as nasty as the table was.
10. Give me the wrong change in the hopes that I won't notice and you can pocket the difference.
11. Smell bad, either from cigarettes or from not bathing.
12. Allow homeless people to beg at your windows and pester me.
13. Talk at me instead of to me. Not sure if that makes sense but if its happened to you then you know what I'm talking about.

I'm sure there are plenty more ways to create a new anti-customer but they are escaping me right now.
There are plenty of places in town that I will just refuse to do business with for some of the reasons above but mostly because of shitty service by people with huge attitudes. I couldn't even list all of the companies that are off limits for various reasons.

I know that, if I ever own my own business, I will make sure that anyone working for me understands that customers are the reason the business exists. Forgetting that will find them out of work very, very quickly. Its too easy to lose people permanently and they will talk to their friends and soon you'll be blacklisted from an entire segment of the town.