
First Rule of Stealing an Identity
The first rule of Identity Theft? Don't steal someone with a worse record than your own. Bear witness to the poster child for screwing this up: Idiot Assumes Sex Criminal's Identity.
Thanks to Hardy for sending this one on to me. Interestingly, the site isn't about making fun of sex crime idiots, its about safeguarding kids and families from these depraved predators. And with all the sex crime activity lately in Northern California, education might just be the means to defeating the predations of the sick bastards.

A Sad Day for the Blogging World
It would appear that one of the blogging world's best writers is going to be either hanging up her blogging britches or only donning them from time to time when the rare moment is available.
Fare thee well, Dear Layne, you'll be missed even if I do understand your reasons for going offline.
Maybe you could give a try to blogging by email?

Quality Links
A few links that I've come across recently that are worth a peek or two.
hersheys kisses (ever wonder where those little kisses come from? potentially not safe for work, depending on your environment)
electric sheep comix (just cool stuff)
Santa Cruz from the air (I love aerial photography and this is of my town so its that much better)
Escher in LEGOs (one of the greatest artists rendered in Lego form)
LugNet (Lego Users Groups)
CNET Digital Living (need to figure out how to spend that pesky $40K?)
SCRAPBOOKING 101 (kind of a cool site if you're into scrapbooking)
ClassicGaming.com - Game of the Week (the Oregon Trail, one of those educational RPGs that also happened to be good fun).