
Yet Another Reason Why I Hate Religion

Because it allows freaks to internally justify their actions like the Minister who killed an abortion doctor and now awaits execution. This scumbag murdered two people with a shotgun and believes that eternal gratitude is just around the corner when they execute him for the killings.

He was even given a soapbox to pontificate from about his great reward in heaven for saving the unborn. He was cheerful about death because he was certain that God had a juicy surprise waiting for him.

Um yeah, you murder two people and expect to be rewarded for all eternity? Dude, you are not only a sick fuck, you're an idiot who's bought into the whole penance now/reward later bullshit that the church has been spewing for centuries. And launching holy war after holy war in God's name or in some way connected to "his" cause. Guess what? God, even if he did exist, wouldn't want to you stamping out life he made no matter their beliefs or actions. Take a look closely at what it means to be omni-beneficient.

And I think this piece of shit should be lobotomized and left buck naked in the South American jungle to live out his last days running scared.

The fact that he's got supporters is evidence of just how depraved people truly are. He killed two people in cold blood. And justified it by saying no babies would be killed in that clinic that day. He also went so far as to exhort others to action to stop abortions.

You fucking sick prick bastards should recognize a couple of things. One, a woman's body is her own. Not yours. Not ours. Hers. If she gets pregnant and doesn't want to keep the child then it is her decision and not yours to abort the fetus. You don't want abortions? Then don't have any but keep your fucking Christ rattling sabers the fuck away from people who have their own lives and decisions to make. Life at any cost is a stupid maxim to try and live by. The world's over populated as it is and I know that part of your fear of abortions is that its one less Christian in the world or Catholic or whatever the fuck you call yourself. One less mind to subvert and convert to your brainwashed insanity of struggle in this life for an eternal reward in heaven. You are all suckers for buying that load of crap.

Be glad there aren't a whole lot of para military athiests out here who can find some way to justify executing priests for their crimes against humanity both on a small scale and on a large scale. Who does more damage, a pedophilic priest or an abortion doctor? Who ruins more lives, a shepherd for a community who sodomizes little boys or a doctor performing a controversial but legal operation that ends an unwanted pregnancy?
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