
Insert Clever and Profound Weekend Wrapup Headline Here
Write about all the good Labor Day long weekend entertainment and fun that was had. Include obligatory beach time if you live within 50 miles of an ocean that's even close to being usable. Mix in some drinking time at local spots, this time at Zelda's in Capitola on the deck in the overcast but still burn inducing haze of Labor Day afternoon. Top it with a dryer fire last night and a profound thought that I'm sure has already been well explored but was news to me at the time.

Man is the only animal I know of that can use fire. It is the single differentiating fact between ourselves and animals. Its a powerful separation between the warm and toasties and the sitting out in the colds.

Add in the return of my perennially breaking cruiser and loud admonishment from the bike shop repair guy about jumping things on my cruiser bike. I don't think I jump anything regularly, there was the one right outside the futon shop but I never really got big air off of it. Not after splitting my right elbow a couple of months ago, a scar that's still working itself out. But the bike shop guy basically accused me of jumping all the time and bending my rear axle and breaking my chain. So its apparently my fault that the bike was poorly assembled. Oh well, its working nicely again now and I'm going to start thinking about how to buff it out after the wedding's all done with and I can think about other projects again.

Still need to do far too much for the wedding like find a place for my family to stay while they're out here. See about what I'm going to wear to my own wedding. Maybe something along the lines as my brother did, maybe not. Who knows? Tonight's all about favor making so we'll be making a joyous mess. But how dirty can it really be if you're playing with soap? Oh well, maybe I'll post some pics from the efforts since it'll be all experiment all the time.

And here I am, back in the office again and finding it really difficult to get back on work things. I've got my mind teeming with projects, things to get working on once the wedding's done. After the wedding, there will be all kinds of time and energy to focus on other things again. Like scouting land to buy and build on, or land to buy and hold on to. Another place to move to from this one that has a yard and some space so that we can get a dog or two and not worry about landlords and landladies getting all peeved. I've even got a few lists started about the things we need to start working on after the hype of the wedding's slipped by and we're just plain old married folks.

By the way, one big thing out of the way this morning and P will be so pleased. Our first real night together honeymoon spot has now been reserved. And a good thing because it was starting to get bracketed in by other reservations. But nope, now we're in like Flynn. We'll be spending our first full night together as man and wife at a place called the Blackthorne Inn. It'll be a very nice spot to start our marriage together. And the private hot tub doesn't hurt at all either. I think we'll have no problem enjoying ourselves there.

Next week the ring comes back and we head off to the east coast for a whirlwind weekend there as well. A day in New York, a couple of days in Maine with the family and then flying back across country for another short week of work.

The weekends are all spoken for now until the week after the wedding. And we're recruiting more and more people for the paintball which is what I'm totally looking forward too now. It'll be excellent fun.

And jeezo, I'm forgetting all about spending Saturday with Modoc, Paul and Kim's weimerauner. They had a full day planned and didn't want him spending the whole day unhappy in his backyard so they dropped him off and I got to pal around with him all day. P was up in the east bay cutting hair so it was just me and Modoc. Good fun really. Went and played in the field next door for a while, found him a girlfriend with the neighbor's lab/shepherd mix, Malibu. They had a blast running each other into the ground later that night and then rolling around. Kind of heartening to see two animals get along as well as they did. And Modoc was just great fun to have around. All except for the hair he leaves pretty well everywhere.

Makes me want to get a dog even more than ever and P's already let me know that once we've got another place to relocate to then we can start the process of finding the right dog for us (well me). That will kick ass. I've even started to put together a list of things I/we want in a dog. And damned if the thought didn't bring a smile to my face just thinking about it.

Oh okay, no more futzing around. Time to get going on projects and get the week underway.