
In Nice Idea But Pretty Much No Impact Nudist News
Nudists Spell Out "No to the WTO" in Naked Bodies which I take as a pretty decent excuse to get naked, lay on the beach and call it protesting. And yes, there is a picture that is work safe unless you work for a puritan.

And In Here's Some Money, Sorry About the Sodomy and Pedophilia News
Boston Church Agrees to Pay $85 Million in Damages
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston has agreed to throw a whole bunch of money at all the whining jerks who are upset because they were sodomized and molested by clergyman. How's $85 million sound? Will that make them quit complaining about the buggering?

Um no, no I don't think it should. I think the freaking pedophiles should be locked up in prison where they can be stabbed to death by homo-hating murderers like Geoghan but then perhaps my views are a tad extreme? Maybe they should be locked up so they can not continue to hump children? That'd be a good start.