
Disney's Stupid DVD Ploy
Disney, in its pursuit of more profit and to quell piracy, is about to start selling a DVD that will be rendered useless 48 hours after exposure to air. The article, This DVD will Self Destruct, details the technology but doesn't get into the whole concept of piling on extra waste.

Hey Disney, thanks for adding a tremendous amount of garbage to the world in an effort to make more money for your already over rich bloated butts. Thanks for considering the environmental impact of millions of your more expensive DVD's ($7 a pop for the "convenience" of not having to return the useless DVD and box as opposed to $3 for a regular rental). I just don't see why this is such a great idea, it costs more, it works for two days before becoming useless and effectively is trash but in that 2 day period the DVD is easily copiable.

Another example of big business not giving a damn about the impact to the world, only to it's bottom line.