
Again, Santa Cruz Leads the Way to FREEDOM!
Saw a short news piece on the news (whoa, no way, news on the news? that's crazy) about the latest activity of the Santa Cruz City Council (you may recall such fabulously successful efforts such as giving away medical marijuana and the homeless people sleep in to protest the no sleeping in downtown Santa Cruz, no? how about Mr. Twister, the clown, getting arrested for feeding other people's meters? No? Damn, what is WRONG with you people?).

The latest news is that the town of Santa Cruz has begun a call to impeach George W. Bush for the lies he has perpetrated against the United States regarding the Weapons of Mass Destruction that were supposedly leveled at the US by Iraq. Its been many, many months now and has anyone seen any WMDs in Iraq (aside from the US armor and weaponry of course because we've got the mandate to police the whole world regardless of whether they need our policing them and its all about the oil anyway).

Go Santa Cruz! I'm sure there are lots and lots of people hating upon us for the liberal traitors they think we are for wanting the chimp out of office but you know what? Those are the same idiots that think they should control what a woman can do with her body, what consenting adults can do to each other in their own homes and that marijuana is the devil's handiwork. So, basically, they can go stuff themselves, go kow tow to the church (oh yeah, bend over reeeeeeal far so the priest doesn't strain himself when he buggers you), drive your supersized SUVs that you need to haul around your supersized lardasses and don't forget to watch the 700 Club.

I'm all for impeachment of this out and out crook (and he's not even a very good villain either, he's just too transparent). Impeach him and deport him to the Middle East with a pea shooter and a loin cloth. Hey, if California can have a recall election or recall ballot then why can't we do the same to the President?