
Digital Photography Tricks
Thought I'd already written this up but apparently not and its definitely cool enough to spend a moment or two discussing.
I have a Canon Elph S400 which has an excellent 3x optical zoom along with a 3.5x digital zoom that's effectively pretty worthless. So I use the 3x zoom all the time but stay away from the digital.

Its a good system and works in the majority of instances I need to use it. But not all the time, sometimes I wish I had a better long distance zoom capability. And that's where the 7 or 8x monocular comes in. I've had to use a monocular for the last few years as a fight left me unable to use bino's for any length of time due to one eye being slightly lower than the other (long story that involved my getting my ass kicked and my eye being swollen shut for four days). Anyway, the monocular has a rubber eye cup on the end of it that fits over the lens perfectly. Its not overly snug so the new fake zoom has to be supported but I can now take pretty impressive high res pics with a zoom on them. Like this pic I took of our street sign from about sixty feet away, it came out quite well although there is a modicum of futzing around with the +/- setting on the monocular to allow the camera to focus through the attached lens.

A couple of other recent examples of the zoom lens monocular's imagery: Lake Tahoe from an Airplane, Huge River S from Airplane and Random Shot no zoom with Monocular

Cool Linky News
A couple of new spots I've come across recently. Posh Tots is really kind of sick when you see the prices they want for kid's toys and furniture (think $17,000 for a fort). The other link is self explanatory.
Shortest and Longest Palindromes : Palindromes Parc : Janet's Wordplay & Puzzle Site

PoshTots - Prove you Love Them by Spending Insane Amounts of Money on Them