
50 Reasons To Not Vote for Arnold
I just finished reading the Metro Santa Cruz: 50 Reasons to Not Vote for Arnold and I've got to say that my gut feeling that he was an awful choice for governor has been reinforced at least fifty times over. Follow the thread over on MetaFilter for some diverse reactions.

The guy may have made some good movies (okay, some decent movies) amid the glut of truly, truly horrible movies but he's got literally zero political acumen, his heroes are Republican nutters like Reagan, Pete Wilson and George Bush. He's got an incredibly distasteful view towards women. Oh yeah, by the way, his father was a Nazi stormtrooper (and no, that isn't bullshit). He admits to being a steroid user, this from the guy who ran the President's Council on Fitness. He lies, he hems and haws, he has no real political platform, he hires tv actors as campaign advisors.

I would highly advise anyone living in California and thinking he'd be a good choice to run our state to read the article and think about it. You want to hand over the reins of the world's 5th or 6th largest economy to someone who's quoting his own movie lines (which were written by someone else) as his campaign premises?

The guy is a pretty despicable human being when you get up close to him and see how fucking warped his thinking truly is. Sure, its come out that the gang rape of the black woman in the Oui interview was a lie but who in their right fucking mind would lie about gangraping someone?

He voted for Prop 187 (the one that bans illegal immigrants from public social services, non emergency health care and public education). He met with Kenneth Lay (the Enron fucker who bled California dry) before the scandal and now says he can't recall the meeting. Um sure.

The argument that he should be free of special interest monies is ridiculous. The guy's an actor who's used to getting "comped" everywhere, sure he can afford to pay for everything but his ego demands that he get things for free. You want a buyable guy running the state?

He lies, this time about running a campaign that won't attack any other candidate. Then the next week he's leveling insults at Bustamente. His campaign includes Marty Wilson, a spinster for Reliant Energy which was later found to have manipulated energy markets.

Arnold is running on star power alone. He won't participate in debates because he would get exposed as the utterly incompetent politico that he is. Which makes sense given that, as an actor, he's told what to say, what to do and how to do it. How could he possibly be a good governor unless someone else was scripting everything out for him?

If he becomes the governor of this state then I'm packing up and leaving. I don't think he will make it but people are blinded by the celebrity factor and will vote on name recognition alone which is truly and utterly pathetic.

Same thing for four more years of Bush. If he wins another term then I'm leaving the goddamned country and will live in Europe or South Africa until someone with more than a smirk and ranch in Texas is in the White House and about 15 brain cells all running in circles.

Vote no on the recall and vote no on Arnie if it comes to it.