
In There is No Shame News
The lying dirtbag reporter, Jayson Blair, has successfully parlayed his completely unethical behaviour into a book deal. The news in the New York Post (oh they sooooo love to thumb their noses at the Times, don't they?) which will do nothing but encourage idiots the world over to falsify interviews and basically invent the news in an effort to gain noteriety so they too can cash in on being a bottom feeding jackass scumbag like Blair (Jayson, not Tony).

Why do idiots encourage this sort of bullshit? Oh yeah, because they want to make a quick buck off of it.
I will be doing my damndest to boycott anything Jayson Blair says or writes. And I'll be boycotting any publication that permits him to write for them (do you hear me Esquire? you assholes who hired him to write a movie review because you thought it would be humorous even though you were merely capitalizing on his fifteen minutes?). This guy should be blacklisted from writing permanently.

And it goes to show you that even if someone's got no morals whatsoever and lives a life of lies and deceit then there will still always be some asshole publisher out there waiting to capitalize on it and make more money. Gotta love the American Way.