
Top Five Search Engine Movers?
Its all about Microsoft today because of this tasty new bugger worm that's attacking their systems.
Overall Movers
1 Microsoft Virus 1731.06%
2 Microsoft Patch 1511.87%
3 Lovsan Virus 1387.49%
4 Microsoft Download 1126.88%
5 Al Franken 1078.38%

And no, I'm not sure what Al Franken's got to do with it all. Maybe that's just continuing fall out from the title of his new book that's rubbing Fox News wrong, "Fair and Balanced", which is their catchphrase, though they are anything but fair and balanced. And it would appear that Fox (one article called them Faux) is suing Franken over the book which will guarantee that he makes a whole extra ton of money on it.

Perhaps he planned this? He's a very smart guy.

And MSBlast? Its the number one overall search today! Woohoo, way to go little worm, you're gonna be a star. I just knew it. The little worm that could.