
Three Day Writ to Quit
Not sure what it all means but basically the house that I'm subletting is about to get a serious action against it. A 3 day writ to vacate the premises, a forced eviction effectively. And because these guys are and have been behaving like idiots.

The thing that sucks is that one of my friends who has just moved out of the house is going to get hosed in the process and will likely not see his security deposit come back anytime soon though he needs it today.

But the other guys, with the exception of my main point of contact in the house, are going to get what they've got coming to them. They've done almost nothing to take care of the house and now they're going to get almost nothing as they are removed from the place by the police.

This will, undoubtedly, be an interesting weekend. Perhaps I'll pitch up to snap some pictures of the action.

[Update: Things may not be so dire as all of this. There's a meeting planned for tonight with the property manager to find out what the deal is given the new info of a signed contract legally empowering me to sublet the place and that was the main reason for the eviction. Stay tuned for the never ending saga.]