
The Ever Continuing Nightmare of my Subletted Old House
This week was supposed to clear out my old house, the tenants being evicted, the lease being breached and my fiscal freedom delivered. But alas, that will not happen in all likelihood. Ten days to vacate to a new place isn't enough apparently for three guys who grew up in this town.

They say that they cannot find another place to live together. Actually, that's not quite true. The guy who replaced me in the house can bounce but what would be the point of leaving if the other two cannot? Its an all or nothing deal and one of the guys isn't capable of dealing with the issues rationally. He gets all kinds of pissed off and basically shuts down which makes it hard to try and figure out the best way through the quagmire of the eviction of the lease. And what does it say about someone who's lived here their whole life that they can't find a place to couch surf? Heck, their parents live in this town and they can't crash there? That says something about who they are and I'm pretty sure that its not good.

But even the eviction's now being called into question because its being done without real cause. The overt cause is that I'm illegally subletting the house which is untrue because I do actually have a signed contract stating that I'm empowered to find suitable rentors for the place (can't wait to show that to the property manager who will have no idea its coming).

And there are other issues, like the fact that the landlady has made numerous unscheduled visits to the house, which is illegal. She's entered the house without permission, which is trespassing. Until she met the main guy in the house, who has some African-American in him, and then she decided to evict them all. Before that, the property manager had been saying all was good, the house was in good shape and a new rental agreement was about ready to be signed by all parties. That changed after she met him and I don't know if its something he said or if she's a racist.

There have also been some rumors about the house, that one of the guys is dealing drugs from it. Which, if that's the case, then I'm done with them. I won't be a party to drug dealers and won't defend them in any way. You want to deal drugs then you don't involve other people's lives in it unless they want to be a part of it. And I don't. No way, no how.

So, tonight I am trying to get a meeting with the property manager and the guys in the house to see if anything can be done because there's no way they'll be out by Sunday. That's just not going to happen because they're not trying and all I want is to be out and clear of the place. Its effecting me too much now, its taking too much of my time and one of them seems to give a damn but the other two don't. They say they're looking for another place to live but everytime I go over there, they're hanging out with their pals watching TV and that's not looking for another place to live.

Tonight ought to be interesting at the very least. But, with some luck I will finally be able to see the end. I do know that all of this will most definitely be over by September 1. And that would make for a very, very nice birthday present.

One More Chunk of News
A couple of calls to the credit card companies and I dropped another interest rate from the truly exorbitant 28.24% they were charging (for comparison, the mob charges 20% interest) to a much more reasonable 10%. Easy to do and it'll end up pushing about $120 a month to the bill and not to finance charges.

I'd tried to do a Lending Tree consolidation but those fuckers wanted me to take out a 19% interest rate loan which would effectively add $7000 to a $15,000 loan. I told them to fuck themselves. What a bunch of dicks. They don't want anyone to ever get out of debt, they always want to have their income coming from people who got messed up in life and had to run up some consumer debt and now they've got you. But not anymore. Now I've got another push to the holy grail of financial freedom from debt.

And then we can buy a house and run up HUGE debt! Oh boy!