
What To Write About, What To Write About?
Oh yeah, how about the fucknuts construction assholes next door backing up a semi to unload it at 6 this morning? Oh yeah, that'll work. Who needs a fucking alarm clock when the mongoloid idiots next door are unloading heavy equipment almost before the freaking sun is up?
First thing on my list of errands to run today? Go to the drug store and get some ear plugs.
Next up? The gun store to stock up on ammo because I'm getting closer and closer to going on a fucking rampage. No, not really all that close.

I know they're under a tight deadline but they don't seem to give the first fucking damn about making an extra ordinary amount of noise at any of the day or night anymore. And its ridiculous. I think I may end up calling the police station today to see what I can actually do about this because there can't be anyway that what they are doing is legal. I'll also follow up on seed's idea of finding out the legality of the diesel truck boyfriend (who has actually either grown something resembling a conscience or my neighbor had a word with him about pissing people off, if the latter is the case then thanks!)

Add in the fact that my cruiser bike is breaking. Its damn near brand new and the bottom bracket's already mangled because the idiots who assembled it didn't bother to try and make sure the front sprocket and the rear cog (the two parts that make up a single speed's drivetrain) aren't on the same place. And that means that the chain can either break or pop off at just about any time. Like this morning as I was crossing the bridge. They'll be getting a call as well.

We were planning on going kayaking down in the Elkhorn Slough tonight after work but I just don't see it happening. There are too many other things that need to be gotten to before play can happen. The invitations must be completed, there's rings to buy, there's flights to the east coast that must be arranged, there's far too many worms that need to be deleted (another 88 in my work in box this morning and 35 in my yahoo account, oh boy!).

[Update: I AM that grumpy bastard who will call the cops on you. So I called the cops on the construction site next door, they will likely just tell them to schedule deliveries at a more appropriate time of the day than 6 am. And that's all I care about. Just getting as much decent sleep as I can, while I can. We shall see how it shakes out.]

[Second Update: Spoke with an SC Sergeant who's gone out to talk to the site foreman about getting started too early and he says he'll try to get on the subcontractors (oooooh, those dirty subcontractors!) about starting too early. And that it'll all be pretty well over in a week in any case once the school starts back up. I knew they were under a deadline and that's why they're working late and starting early but this should soften things up some more. Thanks SCPD!]

Hmm, Can Anyone Say Large Out-of-Court Settlement?
Say What? Man with Ear Ache Gets Vasectomy
The skinny? Dude couldn't hear the person they were calling for the vasectomy room (I'd not known that hospitals have a specific room to do this in but it scares me to think about it) because his ear was messed up. And then, when they were focusing on his balls he just assumed that the infection had spread there. Suffice it to say that he wasn't the smartest guy ever. Maybe its not such a bad thing he can't have kids now?