
So Britney's Showing Off Her Ta-Tas
I love my Yahoo search index. It could very easily be renamed the How Shallow Are We Index? because it basically reflects the top five most popular searches of the day along with the biggest movers in the index.

Last week it was all Kobe Bryant and, this is kind of funny, Kobe's accuser, not Katelyn Faber but Kobe's accuser.

This week, with the oh-who-gives-a-damn news about Britney Spears baring it all (almost) in a British edition of Elle and the rumours of J. Lo and Benny's split those are the top three searches.

One, it was all but inevitable that Britney was going to strip down for some attention. Go and read Ryan Rhodes' take on the subject, he proposes an inverse relationship between talent, longevity and how much skin you'll bare to stay in the spotlight. He's also a funny guy so go and read him anyway.

Why are people so consumed with utterly trivial things like whether Britney's showing off her tits? Or the fact that the publisher admitted to some airbrushing to clean up the images some, what? She can't have cellulite already, can she? She's like 19 or something.

Do people forget that there's a holy war being fought in the Middle East, we're fighting a guerilla war in Iraq, there's likely some wet ops happening in Afghanistan still but there's no press on that. The Department of Justice (HA! justice is the furthest thing from their minds) is repealing our rights to privacy at a truly startling and scary pace and John Ashcroft is rapidly becoming one of the most powerful and power deranged men in all of existence. That we Californians are going to have to choose a new governor from the Terminator, a tranvestite, a chick selling thongs to fund her campaign (she's mildly attractive but not especially bright), Gray Davis trying to replace himself and an entitlement aristocracy bitch like Ariana Huffington among the scads of other nut jobs thinking it would be a "hoot" to run the 5th largest economy on the planet.

To all these people who need to know about Britney's life I say, get your heads out of your asses and take part in the real world. Not the fake plastic fantastic crap being forcefed to you by MTV, People Magazine and the other bubblehead pubs that seek to do nothing but distract you from what's really happening, mainly the high speed erosion of your civil liberties under the guise of the Patriot Act (so named to confuse and lead astray the shallow majority of America into thinking its about protecting you from terrorists, it is not, it is about snatching your rights to privacy in the name of national security.

We are speeding towards a reality not unlike the one laid out in Orwell's 1984 where you can and will be arrested for contemplation of criminal acts. And then I won't even be able to say, I told you so. And do you really think you'll care about seeing Britney's tits then?