
Of Wedding Rings and Other Nuptual Things
The wedding is moving ahead again after a short lull in which P and I caught our breath and found out that we're both really starting to look forward to the day. And not just to get it behind us so we can get on with our lives. Its actually becoming something we're both excited about which is a very good thing.

This week has been all about wedding rings and how we're going to work them out without spending a bloody fortune on them because, as I've noted before, it seems awfully silly to drop $5K into a stone that does nothing but sit there and is, essentially, just a gesture. Which is all well and good if you happen to have a house, no debt and the coin to spend on it. We, however, do not.

I'm not a fan of jewelry in general, never had a pierced ear (not on purpose at least), never wear chains or rings or anything else. So I wanted to make sure that whatever band I got wasn't going to bother the freaking hell out of me. I don't need an expensive ring by any means because its just not something I care about at all.

Maybe its a lack of romance in me or something but I found what I wanted on eBay, bought it, found another one I might want more and bought that one as well. I've since gotten both of them in the mail and like the second one more although the first is pretty cool too. Both are made out of titanium, yep, titanium so they're alot lighter than they appear. One is a darker color with a blue pattern that looks like the tracks skiers leave down a hill when they criss cross their paths and is cool looking but not especially comfortable to wear yet (I think a huge part of that is because I've never worn anything on my fingers, ever, and anything it going to take a good bit of getting used to). The other ring is much more polished and has two parallel grooves cut into it with the center section slightly darker than the rest. Its alot more comfortable to wear as its got a, surprise surprise, comfort edge on it. Both are fairly wide bands and maybe I'd be happier with a slightly narrower band. But I'm fine for now and that's the important thing.

Titanium's cool for more than just the lightweight factor. Its very, very strong so the ring won't ever deform in shape. The metal doesn't react with skin oils so there's no fear of discoloration or ickey residue like silver can leave sometimes. And its just plain cool to have a titanium ring. If you've gotta have one then go for the titanium!

Now P's ring is a whole different subject altogether. An eBay purchase just wasn't going to do for her and we've been playing verbal badminton (quick side note, I'd no idea that it had an "n" in it and had to check Google to make sure) about the whole thing. She wanted a few different things but nothing overly ornate or fancy. I wanted to keep the costs down as we're already spending a ton of money on the wedding and it is just going to be tough all the way around. She had a silver ring that I'd gotten for her several months ago that she really liked alot. A nice scrolling ornate design without too much flash.

So, after many discussions we decided to see about having the silver ring recast in gold or platinum. With platinum scraping against its highest levels ever and triple the cost of the gold I opted for white gold for this go around. The coolest part being that the jeweler will keep the mold and we can recast the ring in platinum at a later date, say, for an anniversary.

The ring is in process as we speak and should be ready just before we head to New England in a couple of weeks. I think we'll both end up being really pleased with the specially made ring and I'm happy that P will be happy.

Only about five hundred more details to iron out before the wedding but we're definitely moving in the right direction and I'm happier with two of the bigger issues out of the way now.