
Cheddary Cheddary Tock, The Clock Struck Cheese
Or whatever, I've no idea what I was trying to convey with that title. But let's jump right into the Cheddar X, It's Cheesier.

1. What TV show do you remember most from your childhood, and why?
Probably, Bah Bah Black Sheep now renamed Black Sheep Squadron on the History Channel. I think I remember it because it had all the good stuff a show should have. Fighting in planes, fighting on the ground, men in uniforms carrying out important missions, Robert Wagner as Pappy and it just resonated with me. I still watch it now and again.

2. Who would you elect for governor of California? (Assume you're a registered California voter.)
Gray Davis because he's who I voted for the first time around and I think the recall is an utter travesty of the democratic process.

3. Do violence and drugs in entertainment media cause violent or delinquent behavior in minors?
Um, I don't think they help curb it. I think alot of the shows that are targeted to kids are bad for them. But then, I grew up watching war shows, Loony Tunes and Battlestar Galactica (what was the deal with the furry robot dog? and didn't Lorne Greene used to run the Ponderosa? nice promotion to spaceship commander).

4. What are your current views on Iraq? How do they compare to your views from before the war?
Its a monstrous mess that will result in some assholes in Texas making millions off the blood and pain of American soldiers dying to try and fix what they broke. I'm glad Saddam's gone but the whole manner of it has been horribly insulting to anyone who's been paying attention.

5. What phobias do you have? (Fear of spiders, crowds, etc.)
I have a fear of wiping out at high speed on my motorcycle and becoming a vegetable, don't know if that's a phobia or common sense or age or what. I don't think I have any irrational fears that could be called phobias but lots of logical things that I fear.

6. If you could change one facet of American (or your) culture what would it be?
I would have to say that I would forcibly remove everyone's head from their own asses so that they could all see that there is more to the world than owning a huge, stupid, wasteful SUV, that there are things called manners and that our current government is the most corrupt bunch of fucknuts in the last hundred years. Oh yeah, I'd also make abortion totally legal forever and not an issue anymore, for chrissakes.

Now go and get yer own Cheddar on!