
No Comments and A Call Back
Well, Haloscan's got some issues as comments have vaporized for this afternoon. Shame too because I was looking forward to some feedback on the Unabomber post below (it's among my favorite titles for a post in a long while). Oh well, I'm sure they're working feverishly to repair the issue

And P's interview went well today, so well that they've already called her for a second interview. Only problem was that she was on her way out of town to head up north to visit some friends for the evening. But she'll be heading back down early tomorrow morning to make it for the follow up!

Nice work, hon!
The worm has apparently really begun to turn in earnest now!

Three New Links to Surf Through
A couple of new places to check out, the first is the Fast Company Blog and is a good source for info about what's happening in the tech industry as well as the larger business world. I believe its written by editors of the excellent mag.
The second new link is Experimenta and is a site that details what the home of the future might be light. Its an exhibit opening up in Melbourne in September and should be well worth a gander or two. I've got it marked so I can check it out later on when I get home. Found via this month's Wired, consistently one of the best reads in the technology industry.

The third has just been added to my Lusting category above, its the See-Through Kayak from Clear Blue Hawaii. And yeah, its for real, its real cool and it also collapses to stow in your trunk. Anyone got a spare $4300 so I can get one?