
A Good Idea for this 9/11
Came across this really good idea for the coming anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. The idea is to get as many bloggers to photoblog the day and post the pics from what they did that day. The page is http://www.aboutitall.com/septphotoblog_comments.php?id=P1032_0_9_0 and I'm definitely planning on doing it and posting a couple of galleries here.

It also helps that 9/11 is also my birthday so the whole thing's got extra signifigance to me. Shame that I'll be spending pretty much the entire day flying back to the east coast although it might be very, very interesting to fly into New York that evening. Not quite sure where we're touching down yet (gotta, gotta, gotta get those tickets ASAP). But I will be travelling and that might just be an interesting way to see how different parts of the country will react.

Last year would have been a good day to do this as well, I went to watch the Giants and Dodgers play at PacBell Park in San Francisco. A gorgeous day and much of the usual rowdiness was missing as people carried themselves with a bit more somber attitudes.

Anyone else that's interested in taking part is definitely welcome to join up and I don't think there's any intent to restrict this to the US. Its also not meant to be used as a political forum, its an exercise in the theme of those Day-in-the-life books. Great, now I'll have that Beatles song in my head all day now.