
Penis Enlargement Pill or Repackaged Feces?
Some 'enlargement' pills pack impurities, most notably poop. Those pills are made from POOOoooooooop! (sorry, momentarily channeled Charleton Heston).
There's a guy on Metafilter (where I was summarily smacked down for having the utter poor taste to direct surfers to my own website to see the pics of Why Men Die Before Women but its okay for someone else to send the link in? that makes sense somehow). Anyway there's a guy on MetaFilter who was setting up a site to track the relative growth of his dick during the course of taking the penis grower pills. I wonder if he's still alive now and I bet he'd just love to know about all the other tasty little bacterium in those pills. They are essentially solid swamp water with some chunky poo tossed in. Nasty.

But wait, it gets better. Other materials found in these little conveniently sized death pills are: lead and other heavy metals, pesticides and those yummy and good for you bacteria.

Save your money or spend it on some therapy if you've got a small dick. Besides, 28% more (as the dick grower company says is the average growth by using their pills) of almost nothing is still almost nothing.