
Truly Unsettling
This is a story that is not for the queasy or faint of heart. Or for those people who don't like to think about anything but pee and cum emerging from a penis.

But, if you're sufficiently fortified then click on through, Fly Boy Continues to Struggle.

There are probably alot of jokes in the offing about this but damn, I think I'll be back after checking myself and then hurling a few times.

And In Its-Been-A-Slow-Week-For-News News
The furor over Randall Simon's vicious bat attack of one of the sausages in the Milwaukee Brewer's daily sausage race has gotten national attention. Why?

I've not even the faintest clue.

Even the most dense people in the country can see from the video replays that he had no violent intent as the over sized sausage tried to run by him. He was kidding around, swatted at the huge bratwurst and, because of the custome, the young lady inside fell and scraped her knee. And who hasn't fantasized about whacking a six foot tall running sausage? Just me? Okay, nevermind, let's move on.

The retarded nimrod, Rick Schlesinger, posing as the Brewer's executive vice president of business operations said he was sickened by the act. As if Simon had leapt out of the dugout and clubbed the girl into a bloody mess. Umm, dude, first order of the day is to remove your head from your ass, your baseball team sucks and this is the most sickening thing you've ever seen in a ballpark? Come on.

Anyway, here's an obligatory link to the story. All parties involved are like, what's the big deal? And its just the over-wound freaks and safety nazis who are calling for Simon's arrest.

People are worried about a ball player joking around with an over sized sausage while our government is admitting that they waged a war against Iraq on false pretenses? Umm, where in the FUCK are your priorities, America?