
Raging Against the Criminal War Machine Posing as Our Government

Was reading my Google News this morning and this, obviously, caught my eye. US Changes Reasons for Attacking Iraq or from the Washington Post, Why the CEO in Chief Needs an Audit
I'm not sure but isn't declaring a war on someone and lying about the reasons for doing it tantamount to commiting a gross crime against not only Iraq but against the American public?

What in the fuck are they doing? How do they honestly think that they can get away with lying to the American people and continue to be able to do their job?

Our government is a conspiracy of criminally inbred morons who obviously don't give the first damn about the country they were elected or appointed to govern over.

First the fleecing and theft of millions and billions of dollars for the Texas energy fucks that made Dick Cheney millions and now this disclosure about committing acts of war on false pretenses.

I am now pretty well positive that if that asshole gets re-elected then I'm done with this fucking country. Any populance stupid enough to re-elect an out and out criminal is not a nation that I want to have anything to do with. This is fucking sickening. I have this vision of a chortling Cheney while Shrub runs around the White House drunk and stoned out of his freaking mind while brainstorming about ways to further corrupt and injure our image on the world stage. These people are dangerous criminals and they are in charge of the most powerful nation in the history of mankind? How? How in the hell did they get elected? Oh yeah, they "won" a state run by the president's brother, how convenient.

I'm thoroughly disgusted with my country and am ashamed of what has happened since this microminded, partisan, Texan dumbfuck took office. Anyone who votes for Bush in 2004 is, effectively, flushing this country's future down the toilet or they're on his payroll (i.e. they're rich enough to be part of his gravy train of trickle down money for the top 1% of the country).

This whole bullshit may be enough to get me started in working for the democrats or the Green Party or anyone who can oppose these crooks who are stealing every last penny they can.

Which makes me wonder, where is the Democratic outrage? Where is the Democratic party, why haven't they voiced their fury about the deception? Why hasn't anyone risen to the top to take on these idiots? What the hell is wrong with the Democratic party that they can't even field anyone with enough clout and charisma to counteract Bush? I couldn't even tell you more than one or two of the Democratic candidates. Why? Because they have no identity.

This whole thing is incredibly disheartening and truly does make me seriously consider other places where I might be able to live and not have to deal with this utter and overt corruption.

Where is the Oversight for the White House? Where are the checks and balances on these obviously corrupt fucks in charge of our country? Where is the public outrage? Or is the nation so loaded up on Prozac, Paxil, Viagra and all those other big pharmaco drugs that no one can bring themselves to give a damn as long as Oprah's on and the remote control's batteries still work?

This is all so, so wrong. I keep hoping I will wake up and things will be normal but I can't wake up because this isn't the American Dream, this is the American Nightmare as perpetrated by ShrubCo. And everytime I see his shit eating smirk I will remind myself that he cannot be allowed to win another term in office, no matter the cost, he must be removed. And should be thrown in jail or exiled. Same thing for Rumsfeld, Cheney, Ashcroft and all the other war monger profiteers posing as elected officials.